
Student committee 2020 info-day

, Hong Kong

CareER 除咗係一個義務工作配對平台外,仲希望連繫一班來自各院校嘅高學歷殘疾人士,因此我哋每年都會籌辦不同嘅會員活動。現正,我哋誠邀一班熱心服務嘅會員及大專朋友成為學生大使,協助籌辦來年嘅會員活動。 想知道更多關於學生大使嘅工作?想成為學生大使?各位CareER會員同想推動 Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) 嘅大專朋友,記得黎我地嘅招莊大會了解一下! Date: 27 Feb (Thur) or 28 Feb (Fri) Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm Format: Video Conference (Zoom, a video webinar software) Rundown: 7:30 - 8:30 Part One - Info Session and Group Chat with the current SC team 8:30 - 9:30 Part Two - One-on-one chit-chat* with CareER […]