CareER Scholarship Program
CareER Scholarship Program
Unlike conventional scholarship programs, academic achievement is neither a primary focus of our programs nor a selection criteria for our CareER Scholarship Program awardees. Instead, we award those who show strong commitment and contribute to community services, actively participate in extra-curricular activities, and willingness to challenge and expose themselves to new experiences despite their disabilities and SEN.
- To introduce narrative therapy to beneficiaries through storytelling and story writing workshops to engage them in knowledge and experience sharing with their peers in order to facilitate a better mentorship experience.
- To enhance participants’ employment prospects and opportunities.
Program Highlights
- For Post-Secondary applicants, up to 8 scholarship offers would be made with HK$15,000 for each awardee.
- For Senior-Secondary applicants, up to 8 scholarship offers would be made with HK$8,000 for each awardee.
6-Month Mentorship Program
Each awardee will have one designated alumni as mentor, mentor and mentee will be matched in accordance with their disability/ disabilities / SEN and their career interests. The 6-month Mentorship Program includes a Team Building Camp in June and three mentor sharing sessions via Narrative Practice Workshops between August to October.
Career Talk
The program also includes career talks/ alumni sharing on the themes of various prevailing industries in July and November.
Half-day Building Training Camp
Building teamwork and making friends with your mentor and teammate through fun and vigorous games.
- Eligible Hong Kong Permanent Resident with a valid Hong Kong Identity Card
- Currently studying in or graduated from all UGC and non-UGC funded institutes/ degrees in Hong Kong (for Post-Secondary applicants)
- Currently studying in Form 4 to 6 at mainstream and special schools (for Senior-Secondary applicants)
Applicant is required to complete the application form and enclose the following documents:
- Curriculum Vitae (not exceeding 2 pages) in English;
- A copy of valid Student Card issued by your school; or
- A copy of the Graduate Certificate (for graduates applicants)
Applicant is also required to enclose any one of the following proofs in the application:
- A copy of letter on your condition issued by the Department of Health or Hospital Authority (or under exceptional circumstances by a registered medical practitioner from private sector or from private hospital) ;or
- A copy of the Registration Card for People with Disabilities issued by Labour and Welfare Bureau ;or
- A copy of letter of entitling to Disability Allowance by the Social Welfare Department
Scholarship applications for 2024 have been closed.
Interested participants, please stay tuned to our Scholarship application in 2025.
*All the information provided by the applicant will remain confidential and only be used for the program only.
*Successful applicant will automatically become a member of CareER and agree to receive events newsletter sent from us by email or instant messaging.
*CareER reserve the right on any final decision.
For any enquiries, please contact us at 3844 6363 or email to
Previous Awardees’ Sharing
2023年度高中獎學金得獎者 – 葉漫琦:
我學習成績不是很好,但幸好我很喜歡跳舞還有畫畫,但這些在許多大人 眼中都是「浪費時間」的東西。很多家長都覺得自己的小孩要讀書、上大 學才可以養活自己,然而現今的社會趨勢已經改變,不再是成績決定一切。 從前的我也會覺得,我這些興趣是不是真的不該被接納?但透過CareER認 識了很多向不同方向發展的朋友,CareER亦提供不同工作坊,讓我更加了 解自己,同時能讓自己發現周圍瑣碎的事情,可能一個小小的舉動就能讓 別人很窩心。 這半年時間,每次的工作坊,友師聚會,讓我慢慢反駁了自己之前的想法。 現在我會告訴自己「我做的每件事情都有它的意義」、「注意力少點放在 批評自己的人身上」要完成這兩件事是很難,但我會慢慢進步。現在的我, 依然跳著舞,享受著跳舞給我的樂趣,享受著跳舞過後的心情,每次被汗 水充斥着的背部都是我努力的成果。最後我會和自己還有身邊的朋友說 「這個人生,你才是自己的主角」。
2023年度大專組得獎者 – 莊晶芯 :
在透過與師友的交流中,我接觸到各種不同的思考方式 和觀點,這拓寬了我的視野。而師友他們的經歷和見解 讓我更加開放心態地面對新的挑戰。在師友的相處中, 我亦深入了解到他們所面臨的困難,以及最重要的他們 如何克服這些挑戰。在他們的分享和創作師友作品之中, 我感受到了共鳴,這種同儕支持令我更加有信心地面對 自己的困難。同時因為我大學主修特殊教育,這個經驗 不僅豐富了我的知識,也讓我能夠更好地理他們的不同 的需求。我希望未來能夠將這次師友相處裡面學到的知 識和經驗應用到我的專業領域 。