
Fair Opportunity Inclusive Recruitment Program (2017- 2020)

Fair Opportunity Inclusive Recruitment Program (2017- 2020)

Fair Opportunity is an award-winning program designed to remove barriers to inclusion and provide a fair opportunity for higher educated persons with disabilities and SENs. The program brings together leading companies who are committed to inclusive recruitment with a targeted talent pool of higher educated persons with disabilities and SENs. Since 2016, CareER has delivered the Fair Opportunity Program in partnership with Community Business who has first introduced the program in 2013.

Program Objectives


For Participating Companies

  1. Profile your company as an employer of choice for talent with disabilities and SENs and showcase the range of opportunities that are available in your organisation
  2. Build your disability confidence, gaining firsthand knowledge and experience in attracting and recruiting disabled students
  3. Gain direct access to a potential talent pool of candidates with disabilities



For Higher Educated Persons with Disabilities and SENs

  1. Build your aspirations and realise that a career in a wide range of different sectors is an achievable goal
  2. Build your confidence and capability through targeted workshops and advice from employers
  3. Meet with leading employers, who are committed to inclusive recruitment, and learn more about the opportunities available

Program Features


The ABLE Model

To maximise participants’ experience and learning, the Fair Opportunity Program is designed based on CareER’s ABLE Model which has four key aspects: 

  • Accessibility
  • Business Needs
  • Learning
  • Experience

Click to learn more about The ABLE Model.

The 3 Key Components

The Fair Opportunity Program comprises three key components:

  Building Disability Confidence Employers Forum

  Capability Building Workshop

  Inclusive Recruitment Fair

Program Details

Please click to learn more detailed information about Fair Opportunity Inclusive Recruitment Program:

MembersSignature ProgramsFair Opportunity Inclusive Recruitment Program (2017- 2020)