Ronnie:「今次是我第一次在企業的法律部門做實習⋯⋯」 今年暑假,CareER會員 Ronnie透過「賽馬會共融。知行計劃-CareER疾風草職涯發展計劃」的實習配對,成為了孩之寶法律部門的實習生。到底Ronnie在今次實習中學到了什麼?上司又對他的表現有什麼評價?一齊睇片啦! 了解更多「疾風草」計劃 Know more about Thriving Grass Program:...
先天聽障的Donald,就讀社工系,對於未來要踏入職場,他對前路感到迷惘。去年,他透過CareER的「疾風草」計劃到Teach For Hong Kong 實習,透過在市場部門工作,學習更多技能,並從中摸索往後的出路。 現在的他,期望自己未來能成為一個有影響力的人,並宣揚更多正面的訊息給社會。 「疾風草」計劃今年來到第三屆,過去兩年參加過的「草仔」、「草女」經過職「林」的實習挑戰,從中各自都有所成長及改變,當中的得著讓他們繼續在職林中前進。 了解更多「疾風草」計劃:...
Job matching might be the raison d’être of CareER but that doesn’t mean the organization works like your usual recruitment agency. To begin with, CareER specializes in linking up persons with disabilities with job opportunities. But more importantly, it runs...
Internships have proven to be transformative experiences, providing individuals with valuable skills, knowledge, and personal growth opportunities. In this blog, we will delve into the inspiring story of Ken, a participant in the Jockey Club Collaborative Project for...
The Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment – CareER Thriving Grass Career Development Program (Thriving Grass Program) embarked on a transformative three-year journey in 2021. Throughout this remarkable period, the program has achieved...
With over 15 years of call centre experience serving global brands, Make The Right Call (MTRC) strongly believes in the power of “People Initiatives”. Recognizing the profound impact of effective people management and the utilization of an individual’s unique...
As the leader in APAC Real Estate Market, Link Real Estate Investment Trust (Link REIT) boasts a diversified assets portfolio that includes retail facilities, car parks, offices and logistics assets spanning Hong Kong, Mainland China, Sydney and Melbourne in...
MTR, driven by its purpose to Keep Cities Moving, was established with the vision of enabling progress and mobility for cities and their people. The company strives to create sustainable value for all stakeholders, including customers, employees, the supply chain, and...